Hawaii International Polo Association (HIPA) participates in a “Polo Pa`ina” at Palm Circle
As a prelude to the Association of the United States Army’s 2019 world class international LANPAC Symposium & Exposition, GEN Robert Brown invited the military leadership of our partners and allies throughout the Indo-Pacific theater to gather at Quarters 5 on historic Palm Circle for a “Polo Pa`ina” for an informal gathering or ice breaker. The guests are treated to a little history lesson about the sport of Polo in Hawaii and the U.S. Army. Many of the military organizations from the Indo-Pacific region also share many of the same equine and polo experiences from the past and thus they are pleased to learn a little of their hosts background and interests.
Chris Dawson and Allen Hoe’s decades long focus on re engaging the U.S. Army and the United States Polo Association with their equine culture and history is taking hold across the country with many military polo related events and matches on historic posts such as Ft. Reily, Ft. Sam Houston and others are demonstrating the value of these venues among our civilian and military leadership.
HIPA’s continuing involvement and success in hosting important events such as this requires the support of its partner organizations, Hawaii Polo Life and the Honolulu Polo Club. Mahalo to all those who supported this amazing event.