Created by its owner, Christopher Dawson, in 2012 as a tribute to the historic, luxurious, and highly adorned Hawaiian Polo athletes; Hawaii Polo Life is built with a mission to unite the Polo community, the Aloha Spirit and the beauty of Hawaii.

Founder and Visionary of Hawaii Polo Life (HPL) and the President and Founder of the Hawaii International Polo Association (HIPA), Christopher Dawson has taken his passion for polo and has turned it into a clothing brand that fuses the ocean and polo cultures of Hawaii. Additionally, Chris was the first USPA Circuit Governor to term out off his position. After 10 years of sitting on the board of the USPA Chris was inspired to re-energize the sport in Hawaii and started the HPL Polo Player Exchange program. Since 2015 Chris has been bringing in pros from all over the globe to play polo in Hawaii and was the first person to sponsor an All-Pro team. Chris now travels the world to play polo with world class players.

Prensa Polo interview

Polo is the one thing in my life that has stayed constant


Christopher Dawson

Christopher Dawson is a polo player, business professional, and the owner of the Hawaii Polo Life (HPL) brand. Founded by Dawson in 2012, HPL brings together the essence of Hawaii and the spirit of polo. Dawson’s brand promotes the spirit of the horses, the outdoors, and the Hawaiian “aloha.”

Dawson’s brand is more than just an apparel line, it is a platform for the polo athletes. The brand aims to reflect the polo lifestyle, but in a different way. “Polo is such a multifaced sport, I want to capture and expound upon the elements that drew me to the sport, and what drew these athletes to this sport,” Dawson said. “Our focus is to embody the spirit of the horses, the competition, the community, camaraderie, the elements I consider to be the core of polo.”