Hawaii Polo Life Partners with La Dolfina

Hawaii Polo Life celebrates and honors Argentina and Hawaii’s 200-year-old relationship by sponsoring one of the most talented and upcoming Argentine polo players today, Poroto Cambiaso and his team La Dolfina.
The first king of Hawaii, King Kamehameha was the first to recognize and support Argentina’s independence in 1818. This relationship turned friendship continues with Adolfo Cambiaso and Christopher Dawson as passionate fathers and their shared love of polo. With that in mind, we are proud to announce this partnership of La Dolfina and Hawaii Polo Life in support of Poroto and Mia Cambiaso.
Polo is a family sport. A place where fathers, sons, daughters and friends compete and support each other. It teaches strategy, discipline, the importance of teamwork and unity. The sport of polo unites families from around the world creating lifelong relationships.
Polo is a noble sport with a deep-rooted history in Hawaii. Polo has been played in Hawaii since 1880 during the reign of our last king, King David Kalakaua. Polo has been an outlet for where players can come together as equals, as partners, as teammates and enjoy the magic that is polo.

Chris Dawson, owner and visionary of HPL, shaking hands with Poro before the polo exhibition game.

Chris Dawson and Delfina Cavanagh preparing everything for the lei ceremony.

Chris Dawson receiving his La Dolfina jersey from Poroto, Adolfito and Pelon.

Chris Dawson enjoying Adolfo ‘s barn.

Chris Dawson and his uncle Allan Hoe in Adolfo’s barn.

Chris Dawson and Allan Hoe enjoying the exhibition game at La Dolfina.

Whole team after the lei award celebration. From left to right: Delfi, Paidu, Poro, Jessica, Chris, Rober, Allan, Jejo. Left to right in the lower row: Millie, Tatu, Adolfo, Pelon and Diego.

Chris Dawson happy with his La Dolfina number 1 jersey.

Poroto Cambiaso with a big smile wearing his Hawaiian leis.XAXA