The Importance of Argentina for Hawaii Polo Life
Hawaii Polo Life’s journey is inextricably linked to Argentina. The history of the Hawaiian Kingdom's relationship with the South American country goes back centuries, all the way to King Kamehameha I, the first monarch of the islands. In 1818, the great ruler began Argentina's first international treaty. And under his leadership, Hawaii became the first nation to recognize Argentina's independence.
This unity is still woven in the fabric of the two nations, and explains why Chris Dawson, the Native Hawaiian owner of HPL, has a remarkable relationship with Argentine polo legend Adolfo Cambiaso. The men’s alliance is a reflection of their homelands' history.
The allegiance of Hawaii and Argentina is an important aspect of Hawaii Polo Life’s mission. Blending the culture of polo – Adolfo's legacy – and the culture of Hawaii – Chris’ birthplace – the brand is an exceptional fusion of two worlds.
Known as the Mecca of polo, Argentina holds thousands of competing players. The nation has won more international championships than any other, and has rarely been defeated since the 1930s. Their polo standards are considered the highest in the world. Argentina also embodies horse culture, and contains fertile lands that are perfect for the sport, much like Hawaii.
Chris understood the two nations’ historical connection when he chose to partner with the Argentine player. Now, Adolfo's offspring – Mia and Poroto, who are dominating the next chapter of the sport – represent the influence of Hawaii, as global ambassadors for HPL.